

We offer our absorber basis in 3three variants

  • PowerBase NEW  Bambus wood 3 layered, with aluminum plates on the upper and lower side
  • BaseTwo    Multiplex wood with aluminum plate on the upper side. Optional with the PRO-fessional feet
  • BaseOne    Our basic model of Multiplex wood. Optional with the PRO-fessional feet

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PowerBase and BaseTwo

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PowerBase and BaseTwo

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BaseTwo and analog accessories
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Many absorber bases use spikes, which couple the units to the ground. This coupling lead on instable racks to a perceptible adverse effect on the sound. Because you have in in rare cases  an perfect ground we favour for our absorber base the technology of absorption. The combination of absorption and separtion layer is an significant property of our MLA Absorber Technology.

The 2 variants of our absorber base BaseOne and BaseTwo

The top model BaseTwo has an fine surface of anotized aliminium. This alumium plate is bonded with an soft Polymer adhesiver.
So we reach an absorption effect on the one hand, on the other hand the 3mm aluminium plate has the function of an isolator.

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PRO                                                                                          BaseTwo PRO nature - black and cherry available

Both variants BaseOne and BaseTwo have 3 highly effective and high adjustable absorber feet with massive aluminium corpus.
The absorption layers consists of Sorbothane, cork and natural rubber.  With different materials we reach an accumulative absorption.

The complex layer model of the 3 absorber feets
from top to - down

  • Massive Aluminium as separator
  • Cork Rubber mixture
  • Sorbothane
  • Natural rubber

base-fuee skizze


The new PRO feet:

For both variants BaseOne und BaseTwo we offer optionally the new and more complex PRO feet.

 The PRO feet have additionally an aluminium disc on the lower side.
Because of the narrow alignment of this disc the horizontal vibrations are better reduced. Horizontal vibrations was produced by the loudspeakers, called room noice.


BaseTwo-PRO Fuss schwarz 500pxPRO Füße BaseTwo-Basic Fuss schwarz 500pxStandard / Basic Füße

Customer reports about our absorber you could find here;
respectively about our THORENS Absorber base here.